Disconnect to Reconnect

While we think these platforms are connecting us to the world, they’re actually separating us from reality.  Each of us lives and learns a personalized filter bubble that changes - and radicalizes - how we function in society. We are faced with a disturbing reality that technology doesn’t always align with the interests of humanity. - @thesocialdilemma

This weekend from sundown-to-sundown on March 5-6 is #NationalDayofUnplugging - an awareness campaign that promotes a pause from technology.  

Participation is welcome to anyone who wants to elevate human connection over digital engagement. After being disconnected from screens with limited access to social media or internet the past few weeks, I really felt the benefits of taking intentional pauses from technology to be present and experience joy. I noticed the small things, truly listened when people were talking, and wasn’t constantly feeling the need to check my phone or emails or likes. Creating healthy boundaries is vital for mental well being.

A few tips for unplugging:

☀️Build in time for self care - unplugging is the perfect time to focus on mental health and get out of the endless scrolling loop - listen to a guided meditation, go on a walk outside, paint, write in a journal or free dance to your favorite music

☀️Find ways to give back on unplugging days, performing acts of kindness can boost happiness - grab a friend and volunteer, hug your dog, help your family or neighbors, smile at a stranger

☀️Whether you go screen free for a few hours or days, there’s no wrong way to unplug ..even committing to taking the first and last hours of the day screen free counts. Any small consistent action helps!

☀️Power off phone or turn on do not disturb and keep phone in separate room when you’re working

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How Stress Manifests in the Body