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Happiest near the Ocean and Sunshine. Energetic. Curious traveler. Family values. Adventurer. Dog Obsessed. Plant mama. Life long learner. Grateful AF. Lover of love. Scorpio Sun. Sagittarius Rising. Aquarius Moon. Human Design: Projector.


From heart broken to heart filled. Small town to bright lights, big city. Fashion industry to health and wellness. It’s never too late to start over…

When I look back on journal entries throughout my life, there has always been an overarching theme of seeking purpose through experiences, travel, relationships, and work. I believe everything in life happens for a reason, even the setbacks and fails along the way is the universe getting you out of what’s not right for you, to make room for what’s meant to be.  

Where it all began…

Before moving to New York City to pursue my dreams and ambitions of working in the fashion industry, I had my heart broken.  The real messy kind, including periods of depression, anxiety, emotional eating, and more. This lead me on a journey that allowed me to look at my core values, actions, and feelings to build myself back up.  It was experiencing this low that pushed me to take action in my life and move to New York City to start over. 

It was also during this time that I started doing the inner work needed to heal, and learning about the mind body relationship, developing a meditation and yoga practice. 

Understanding the importance of mindful presence, accepting the impermanence of life, and the power of positive thought and energy, are all valuable lessons that continue to help me navigate challenging times.

For nearly a decade, I lived my dream of working alongside inspiring teams in the luxury fashion industry building skills in leadership, training, facilitation, and performance management.  I traveled all over the world and worked on challenging projects. Despite feeling grateful for having these opportunities and having what looked on the surface to be an amazing life, I always felt in my heart something was missing and desiring to live a slower, more conscious and meaningful existence.  My personal practice of mindfulness was constantly being tested with the stress, high pressure, and lack of work life balance. I was also in and out of meaningless relationships, looking for love and intimacy in all the wrong places.

As I got clearer on what I wanted and stayed focused on being the best version of me, my relationship to my self worth got stronger and I started attracting the right kind of energy into my life.

Not too long after I met my wonderful partner and support system.

Clarity is power. The more clear you are on exactly what it is you want, the more your brain knows how to get there.

Then all in the same year, my so called dream job was eliminated due to downsizing and my stepmom passed away from Stage 4 stomach cancer four months after being diagnosed. Another major turning point and significant loss in my life that pushed me to listen to my intuition, take action, and start over.

I felt a calling to leave the fashion world in pursuit of helping others achieve healthy and purpose driven lives. What’s amazing about this work is that through helping others, I also continue to learn and work on myself.  Everyday I’m grateful to be on this path, working on my practice and aspiring to live a joyful and holistically healthy life. 

I would love to be there for you, to cheer you on, to share what I’ve learned and support you on your journey.  Thanks for hearing my story and stopping by. If any of my experiences resonate with you or you’d like to share your story, feel free to drop me a note on my connect page or DM me on Instagram!

Big hugs,


Suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new, and trust the magic of new beginnings...


I love learning and have been fortunate to have inspiring teachers and mentors along the way. My interest in the human condition started when I was young, always curious about people, motivations, the meaning of life, etc. This inspired me to pursue my BS in Psychology from James Madison University. Everyday I continue to expand my knowledge within the holistic health and wellness space including:


  • Certified Integrative Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC

  • Yoga Teacher (RYT 200), Yoga Alliance, Yandara Yoga Institute, Mexico

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) developed by Jon Kabat Zinn PhD, UMASS Center for Mindfulness

  • Science of Well Being developed by Laurie Santos PhD, Yale University


  • Mindfulness Meditation Mentor, Natalie Matias, Global Mindfulness Facilitator, Toronto, CA

Follow my journey on Instagram…